Dominik Pytlewski - personal site

Open source projects

2019 (started) 2020 (latest release)
Industrial Android WebApp Host Android, Kotlin, TypeScript
2016 (started as part of commercial project) 2019 (extracted and open sourced) 2020 (latest release)
Philadelphia Toolkit Dotnet based solution to typesafely, easily write rich web client apps in C#
2017 (started) 2020 (latest release)
OldSchool.I18n Internationalization dotnet library for C# and F# inspired by gettext
2016 (started) 2020 (latest release)
Statically Typed Poco Queries dotnet library providing C# expression based and F# quotation based ability to type safely query databases using ORM-ish libraries such as PetaPoco
2016 (started) 2020 (latest release)
Disposable Software Container wrapper for command line of Docker Toolkit for Windows to provide Docker based services for unit tests

Commercial projects


About me

Software developer, living in Warsaw, Poland.

Christian, married, father of two, entrepreneur, engineer, graduate of Politechnika Warszawska. Linux and open source enthusiast.

Specializes in F# and C#. Fluent in Java, TypeScript, Kotlin.

Devoted user of ReSharper and Rider. Getting inspiration from wonderful community of HackerNews.